Awesome visit today with our little buddies at Carmi. You all did a great job working with them on their books and with planting their flowers. The focus of today was on personal identity. Who are  you and what is the mark you want to make on the world? This directly links to our 18th century and Romantic poets who marched to the beat of their own drum, and used their talents as writers to challenge the status quo. 

Awesome day. Hilarious. Most intense performance definitely goes to Lindy. Most memorable moment: FRENCH ARMY sculptorades question.

The coffeehouse was invented in the 18th Century so of course it was important that we have a lesson IN an actual coffeehouse! We did the first part of "The Rape of the Lock" today. Everything is better with a laid back atmosphere and a London Fog- especially old poems about rich people acting with intense stupidity. 

Epic conclusion to the tragic story of King Lear. Brilliant performances by all. Expect a number of you to receive nominations for  the next academy awards ceremony! 

One of the key moments in Lear sees a mentally unstable and vulnerable Lear come face to face with Poor Tom. At this point in the play Lear has begun to show true humility and he now recognizes how little actually separates him from a creature such as Tom O'Bedlam. We had an interesting discussion today about what separates the "highest" and "lowest" in human society, and how far any of us truly are from either end of the spectrum. 

Amazing performances all around! Thanks to everyone on the stage and behind the scenes. Special thanks to Jamie for risking his job interview for an epic beard. 

Summarized the first 2 acts on the windows of the library today. Got ready for day 1 of "The Greatest Version of King Lear to Ever Be Performed". Can't wait for tomorrow!!

Lots of work on character today. What motivates them, impacts them and ultimately defines who they are in the play?

Started today's class with the question: "How much do you owe your parents?" This will be a key issue throughout the play as we see the relationship between Lear and his three daughters, and Gloucester and his two sons. We spent most of the class focused on Edmund and his motivation for all the evil acts he commits in the play.

Day 2 of King Lear today. Thanks to the acting crew for the performance of Scene 1. We have introduced the main plot with Lear and his three daughters. Tomorrow we will really start getting to know the manipulative and conniving EDMUND.