No man is an island entire of itself. Today we covered "Meditation 17" by metaphysical poet John Donne. The "knots" was a quick and symbolic activity of the fact that all of us are connected. Ask not for whom the bell tolls (or the siren blares). We finished class with a review of Paradise Lost by watching our amazingly funny Paradise Lost movie. Well done crew! It was truly EPIC.  Quiz tomorrow. Email if you have questions. 

Today we worked with "Death Be Not Proud" by metaphysical poet John Donne. Excellent work with the insults towards Death and the photos that will be turned into cartoons. Looking forward to the Rap Battle on Friday!!

Started today with a review Easter Egg Hunt followed by the Cavalier Poem "To the Virgins" as well as some Sheep Smashing (not a real sheep remember!) to represent the Metaphysical poets and their love of complex metaphors called "Conceits". How many ways is a sheep like a desk? Metaphysical poets would love that question!